May 17th, 2019

Our Number One Tip For Grading Finals With GradeCam

We all know grading is a beast, and that beast gets even hairier during finals week. The good news is, GradeCam is here to help you tame it.

Our biggest tip if you plan on using our technology for finals:

Do a test run before the big day!

Test your scan sheets to make sure everything is running smoothly BEFORE the students fill in their responses. The last thing we wish for you in your final days of school is to have to hand-grade your scan sheets due to a technical glitch.

If you’re not quite sure what to do or have forgotten the steps, take a peek at our tutorials or training videos.

We even have a great video that shows you how to get started in 3 minutes:

And if that doesn’t cut it, our support team is just a phone call or email away. Get in touch if you have questions or would like to set up a private session.

We know that teaching can be hectic and that planning ahead is key.  GradeCam has been keeping teachers sane since 2003, so let us know how we can help you make your finals a breeze!


GradeCam Live Webinars
Video Tutorials
Training Tutorials (Beginner/Advanced)


From all of us at GradeCam, we hope you have a great summer vacation.  You deserve a well-earned break!

Keeping Teachers Sane Since 2003
Director of Technical Support Team
1-866-472-3339  ext.703